khusi khanal

World Fastest poems writer khusi khanal 9 years old

My name is Khusi Khanal. I was born in October 2014, in Belém, Lisbon. I am a 9-year-old student currently in the 3rd class. I am sharing with you an exciting update on my poetic journey.

Since April 13th, 2023, I have been passionately exploring the world of poetry, initially in Portuguese and later expanding to English from July 16th, 2023. Over this period, I have dedicated myself to writing a minimum of one poem in each language every day. From 13 April 2013 to 31th March 2024, I have written more than 692 poems in Portuguese and over 308 in English. I complicated my 1000 poems less then in a year. Notably,during my last holidays from August 16th to September 12th I immersed myself in creating over 100 poems exclusively in Portuguese. during my Christmas holidays from December 17th to December 28th, I  immersed myself  over 50 poems in Portuguese and over 50 in English. In recent Carneval holydays 11 h to 14th February 2024  I wrote 105 poems in 4 days within 5 hours and 30 minutes.

 I possess the ability to write at anytime, anywhere, on any title if I know  the topic. I can speak Portuguese, English, and Nepalese fluently. I think I can write around 200 poems in a day if I get the title.

My  book, “Os Poems da Pequena Khusi,” Volume- I to Volume-IX has been published, and Volume X to Volume XII currently in press. The first and second book is available through Flamingo Publication and can be found online and ordered from Livraria Atlântico, Fnac, Bertrand, and Wook.  From Volume III,  to Volume IX,  are avabiable in this website and KDP Amazon  and the rest book Volume X , Volume- XI and Volume XIII will avabiable till end of the month April 2024 on this website and KDP Amazon.  All books are published in original Portuguese with English translations. And my English poems is on the same title “THE POEMS OF SMALL KHUSI” Volume- I, Volume- II and Volume-III is available in both digital and paperback  on this website and KDP Amazon.

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